General options for pdfs – Adobe InDesign CS3 User Manual
Page 486

User Guide
General options for PDFs
Click the General category in the Export Adobe PDF dialog box to set the following options:
Displays the description from the selected preset, and provides a place for you to edit the description.
You can paste a description from the Clipboard.
Exports all pages in the current document or book.
Specifies the range of pages to export in the current document. You can type a range by using a hyphen, and
separate multiple pages or ranges by using commas. This option is unavailable when you’re exporting books or
creating presets.
Exports pages together as if they were printed on the same sheet.
Important: Do not select Spreads for commercial printing; if you do, the service provider cannot impose the pages.
Embed Page Thumbnails
Creates a thumbnail preview for each page being exported, or one thumbnail for each
spread if the Spreads option is selected. The thumbnail is displayed in the InDesign Open or Place dialog boxes.
Adding thumbnails increases the PDF file size.
Optimize For Fast Web View
Reduces PDF file size, and optimizes the PDF file for faster viewing in a web browser
by restructuring the file for page-at-a-time downloading (byte serving). This option compresses text and line art,
regardless of the settings you have selected in the Compression category of the Export Adobe PDF dialog box.
Create Tagged PDF
During export, automatically tags elements in the story based on a subset of the Acrobat tags
that InDesign supports. This includes recognition of paragraphs, basic text formatting, lists, and tables. (You can also
insert and adjust tags in the document before exporting to PDF. See “Adding structure to PDFs” on page 489.)
Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3)
Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4)
Acrobat 6 (PDF 1.5)
Acrobat 7 (PDF 1.6) and
Acrobat 8 (PDF 1.7)
PDFs can be opened with
Acrobat 3.0 and Acrobat Reader
3.0 and later.
PDFs can be opened with
Acrobat 3.0 and Acrobat Reader
3.0 and later. However, features
specific to later versions may be
lost or not viewable.
Most PDFs can be opened with
Acrobat 4.0 and Acrobat Reader
4.0 and later. However, features
specific to later versions may be
lost or not viewable.
Most PDFs can be opened with
Acrobat 4.0 and Acrobat Reader
4.0 and later. However, features
specific to later versions may be
lost or not viewable.
Cannot contain artwork that
uses live transparency effects.
Any transparency must be flat-
tened prior to converting to PDF
Supports the use of live trans-
parency in artwork. (The
Acrobat Distiller feature flattens
Supports the use of live trans-
parency in artwork. (The
Acrobat Distiller feature flattens
Supports the use of live trans-
parency in artwork. (The
Acrobat Distiller feature flattens
Layers are not supported.
Layers are not supported.
Preserves layers when creating
PDFs from applications that
support the generation of
layered PDF documents, such as
Illustrator CS and later or
InDesign CS and later.
Preserves layers when creating
PDFs from applications that
support the generation of
layered PDF documents, such as
Illustrator CS and later or
InDesign CS and later.
DeviceN color space with 8 colo-
rants is supported.
DeviceN color space with 8 colo-
rants is supported.
DeviceN color space with up to
31 colorants is supported.
DeviceN color space with up to
31 colorants is supported.
Multibyte fonts can be
embedded. (Distiller converts
the fonts when embedding.)
Multibyte fonts can be
Multibyte fonts can be
Multibyte fonts can be
40-bit RC4 security supported.
128-bit RC4 security supported.
128-bit RC4 security supported.
128-bit RC4 and 128-bit AES
(Advanced Encryption Stan-
dard) security supported.