editing and deleting 497
finding in documents 498
showing and hiding 496
to document pages 496
to places in documents 497
manual and automatic 248
options for automatic 249
preventing words from 249
ICC profiles
See also color profiles
panels as 20
Illustrator. See Adobe Illustrator
image exposure, specifying 587
images, trapping 462
images. See graphics
bitmap graphics and 329
halftone screens 585
See also text importing
clipping paths 340
colors 424, 436
dictionary word lists 159
graphics 337
InCopy content 625
InDesign pages 333
multiple files 339
objects from object libraries 356
objects styles 182
paragraph and character styles 167
PDF files 332
plug-in modules 592
swatches 424
tables 253
text files 117
text variables 89
toc settings 282
trap presets 465
Word styles 168
XML 515
importing master pages 68
InCopy content
checking in 621
checking out and in 618
discarding changes 624
exporting 614
exporting to InDesign 613
locking 605
locking files 625
placing in Adobe InDesign 625
saving in InCopy 623
saving in InDesign 622
tracking changes to 626
undo updating 621
unlinking 625
updating 619
updating in InDesign 620
INDB files. See book files
INDD files. See documents
Indent To Here special character 232,
See also tabs
about 230
first line 231
hanging 231
last line right indents 232
setting 231
InDesign files, opening in
InCopy 613, 617
InDesign. See Adobe InDesign
index entries
automatic 291
capitalizing 295
creating 288
editing 288, 291
expanding or collapsing 287
finding 296
keyboard shortcuts for 642
shortcuts for creating 290
with cross-references 292
with page ranges 289, 291
Index panel 286, 287
about 285
creating 286, 287
editing 295
formatting options 294
generating 293
page range options 291
previewing 287
sort order 295
topic lists 287, 296
INDL files. See object libraries
INDT files. See templates
Info panel
about 49
measuring objects with 48
Ink Manager 583
ink sequence (trapping order) 471
See also mixed inks
aliasing 584
converting all inks to mixed ink
group 435
mixing spot and process 433
printing one at a time 584
screen angle and frequency 585,
specialty 470
inline objects. See anchored objects
inner glow effect 396
inner shadow effect 396
input device profiles 450, 452
INST files. See stroke styles
plug-in modules 591
International Color Consortium
(ICC) 439
island spread. See spreads
isolating blending modes 402
JPEG files 335
See also bitmap graphics
trapping 462
jump lines 84
justified text, adjusting spacing 250
justifying text 227
keepaway traps 469
about 212
applying to text 214
between words 215
changing increment value 214
highlighting in text 215
turning off 214
keyboard shortcuts
about 634
changing active set 25
creating set 25
customizing 25