Pitney Bowes MapInfo Professional User Manual
Mapinfo professional
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- Introduction
- What's New in MapInfo Professional
- The Basics of MapInfo Professional
- Starting and Leaving MapInfo Professional
- A Tour of the MapInfo Professional Desktop
- Data - Where MapInfo Professional Begins
- What is a Database and Other Basic Terminology
- What Data Can I Use in MapInfo Professional?
- Support for Raster Images
- Understanding the Files Associated with MapInfo Professional Tables
- Opening Your Data in MapInfo Professional
- MapInfo Professional Data File Support
- Opening MapInfo Tables
- Opening Data in Remote Tables
- Understanding Your Data in MapInfo Professional
- Using Workspaces
- Reviewing the Windows in MapInfo Professional
- Working with Tables in the Table List
- Working with Layers in the Layer Control
- Accessing Layer Control
- About the Layer Control Window
- Adding Layers to the Map
- Reordering Map Layers
- Setting the Zoom Layering
- Positioning and Sizing Labels
- Displaying the Lines, Nodes, and Centroids
- Understanding the Cosmetic Layer
- Making the Layers "Editable"
- Making a Read-Only Table "Editable"
- Getting Layer Information
- Selecting Objects in a Layer
- Working with Thematic Layers
- Working with Seamless Layers
- Working with MapInfo Manager Library Services
- Saving, Closing, and Exporting Your Work
- Saving a MapInfo Workspace
- Exporting to GeoTIFF (*.tif) Format
- Saving a Table or a Copy of a Table
- Closing a Table
- Opening vs. Importing
- Exporting Your Data to a New Format
- Importing and Exporting Data in AutoCAD Format
- Cropping Images
- Exporting to ASCII Format
- Exporting to dBase (*.DBF) Format
- Smoothing Map Images during Export
- Using the Tools in the Tool Manager
- Configuring MapInfo Professional Preferences
- Summary of Preferences
- Setting Your Preferences
- Setting Your System Preferences
- Setting Your Default Units
- Setting Your Undo Options
- Setting Your Color Defaults
- Setting Show Guides when Docking Windows
- Setting Your Date Window for Two-Digit Years
- Setting Your Copy to Clipboard Preferences
- Setting Your Image Resolution for Exporting
- Setting how to Draw Symbols for MapInfo Professional 4.0 or Earlier
- Setting Your Vertical Mapper Grid File Display Preferences
- Setting Your Aspect Ratio Adjustment
- Setting Your Startup Preferences
- Setting Your Directory Preferences
- Setting the Web Services Preferences
- Setting the Proxy Server Preferences
- Setting the WFS Server Preferences
- Setting the WMS Server Preferences
- Setting the Geocoding Server Preferences
- Setting the Routing Server Preferences
- Setting the Tile Server Preferences
- Setting the Library Services Preferences
- Setting the Custom Proxy Server Preferences
- Setting up a Geocoding Server
- Setting up a Routing Server
- Setting Your Performance Preferences
- Setting Your Style Preferences
- Setting Your Address Matching Preferences
- Setting Your Image Processing Preferences
- Setting Your Notification Preferences
- Setting Your Map Window Preferences
- Setting Your Layout Window Preferences
- Setting Your Browser Window Preferences
- Setting Your Legend Designer Window Preferences
- Setting Your Printer Preferences
- Setting Your Output Setting Preferences
- Understanding Your Data
- Working with MapInfo Tables
- Adding to a Table
- Updating a Table
- Appending Rows to a Table
- Appending One Table to Another
- Parsing Data from One Column to Multiple Columns
- Placing Graphic Information in Visible Columns
- Creating a New Table
- Editing a Table's Structure
- Copying and Renaming a Table
- Deleting a Table
- Packing a Table
- Collecting Data into the Table using Update Column
- Browsing a Table
- Creating a Report of your Data
- Opening an Existing Report
- Saving a Report
- Working with MapInfo Tables
- Graphing Your Data
- Working with Data in a DBMS
- Getting Started
- Creating a Data Source Connection
- Reconnecting to your Data Source after Startup
- About Supported DBMS Data Types
- Creating a Map Catalog in the DBMS to Work with Data
- Adding a Spatial Primary Key to a DBMS Table
- Making a DBMS Table Mappable to Display it on a Map
- Deciding to work with Linked or Live Access Tables
- Opening a DBMS Table in MapInfo Professional
- Working with Remote Tables from Specific Databases
- Drawing and Editing Objects
- Understanding the Drawing and Editing Tools
- Drawing Objects
- Drawing Polygons and Polylines
- Drawing Symbols
- Working with Text on the Map
- Editing Objects
- Positioning and Sizing your Map Objects
- Changing your Map Object Attributes
- Reshaping Map Objects
- Using "Snap To" to Select Nodes and Centroids
- Setting Snap Preferences for a Visible Snap Area
- Autotracing Objects
- Smoothing and Unsmoothing Lines
- Converting Regions to Polylines
- Merging One Map into Another
- Selecting and Querying Data
- Selecting Your Data in MapInfo Professional
- Querying Your Data in MapInfo Professional
- Selecting and Using Queries
- Making Queries using the Select Command
- Making Queries using the SQL Select Command
- Displaying Query Results Quickly
- Creating Query Expressions
- Using Select to Create Queries
- Interactively Selecting Objects
- Using SQL Select to Query Data
- Saving Queries
- Using Date- and Time-Based Data in Maps and Queries
- Using Templates for Queries
- Deriving Columns
- Creating Column Aliases
- Aggregating Data
- Joining Tables Using SQL Select
- Joining Tables Geographically (Using Geographic Operators)
- Joining Two or More Tables
- Finding Duplicate Values in a Column
- Calculating the Distance to a Fixed Point
- Creating Thematic and Other Themed Maps
- Buffering and Working with Objects
- Stylizing Your Map for Presentations and Publishing
- Changing a Map's Style
- Labeling Your Map
- Adding an Adornment to the Map
- Working with Layouts
- Opening a Layout Designer Window
- Adding a Map to the Layout Designer Window
- Adding a Map Legend to the Layout Designer window
- Adding a Thematic Map to the Layout Designer Window
- Adding a Table (Browser) to the Layout Designer Window
- Adding an Image to the Layout Designer Window
- Adding Text to the Layout Designer Window
- Adding Shapes to the Layout Designer Window
- Saving a Layout in the Layout Designer Window
- Deleting a Frame from the Layout Designer Window
- Moving Frames
- Resizing Frames
- Aligning Frames in the Layout Designer Window
- Editing in the Layout Designer Window
- Printing Your Layout
- Exporting Your Layout
- Working with the Classic Layout Window
- Creating a Legend for your Map
- Printing and Exporting Your Results
- Registering Raster Images
- Putting Your Data on the Map
- How Do I Get My Data on the Map?
- Displaying your Excel (.XLS or .XLSX) Data
- Displaying your Access (.MDB or .ACCDB) Data
- Displaying your SQLite Data
- Displaying your Comma Delimited CSV Data
- Displaying your dBase Data
- Displaying your Lotus 1-2-3 Data
- Displaying your ESRI Shapefile Data
- Registering and Displaying your ASCII Data
- Importing and Displaying GML File Data
- Using Universal Data Directly
- Opening MapInfo Professional Grid Files
- Importing Graphic Files
- Geocoding - Assigning Coordinates to Records
- What Do I Need to Know Before Geocoding?
- Understanding the Geocoding Process
- Modes of Geocoding
- Methods of Geocoding
- Refining Your Geocoding Search
- Finding an Exact Street Match
- Placing Geocoded Points
- Matching Street Names
- Matching Address Numbers
- Matching to Region
- Selecting Records Not Geocoded
- Locating Newly Geocoded Points
- Result Codes
- Ungeocoding a Table
- Putting Latitude/Longitude Coordinates on a Map
- Displaying Your Data on the Map
- Printing Your Results
- Working with Coordinate Systems and Projections
- Working with Coordinate Systems
- Building Blocks of a Coordinate System
- Coordinate Systems, Projections, and their Parameters
- Projection Types
- Datums
- Units
- Coordinate System Origin
- Standard Parallels (Conic Projections)
- Oblique Azimuth (Hotine Oblique Mercator)
- Scale Factor (Transverse Mercator)
- False Easting and False Northing
- Range (Azimuthal Projections)
- About Polyconic Coordinate Systems
- Examples of Projection Entries in the MAPINFOW.PRJ File
- Adding Projections to the MAPINFOW.PRJ File
- Understanding Precision in MapInfo Professional
- Understanding Affine Transformations
- Using Earth and Non-Earth Maps
- Working with Data from a Web Service
- Specialized Topics in MapInfo Professional
- Embedding MapInfo Professional Maps
- Internet Connectivity and MapInfo Professional
- Redistricting-Grouping Map Objects into Districts
- Creating Expressions
- Where Expressions Can Be Used
- Constructing Simple Expressions
- Constructing Complex Expressions
- Entering Specific Values (Constants) into Expressions
- Using Mathematical Operators in Expressions
- Using String Operators in Expressions
- Using Comparison Operators in Expressions
- Using Geographic Operators in Expressions
- Using Logical Operators in Expressions
- Understanding Operator Precedence
- Using Functions in Expressions
- Working with the MapBasic Window
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Shortcuts for File Menu Items
- Shortcuts for Edit Menu Items
- Shortcut to Tools Menu Items
- Shortcuts to Objects Menu Items
- Shortcuts for Query Menu Items
- Shortcuts for Options Menu Items
- Shortcuts for Map Menu Items
- Shortcuts for Window Menu Items
- Shortcuts by Keystroke
- Shortcuts for the Map or Layout Window
- Shortcuts for the Browser Window
- Shortcuts for the Legend Designer Window
- Shortcuts for MapInfo Professional
- Elements of a Coordinate System
- Manually Creating a MapInfo_MapCatalog
- MapInfo Map Interchange Format
- Glossary of Terms
- Index