Pitney Bowes MapInfo Stratus User Manual

Mapinfo, Stratus, Quick start guide welcome to mapinfo stratus

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Quick Start Guide

Welcome to MapInfo Stratus!

MapInfo Stratus is designed to empower and share your location intelligence data assets with internal and
external users. Stratus provides an easy-to-deploy, user-friendly web-mapping solution that speeds
implementation times, drives efficiencies, and lowers costs. This Quick Start Guide will help you get started and
introduce you to some of the key features and functionality of Stratus.

Stratus Administrators

Account/Trial Setup

Once your customer (or trial) account has been established, you will receive a Welcome email with your
login id (email address) and instructions to get started.

Step 1: Setup Password

To obtain your password, click on the personalized URL link in the Welcome email.

1. Create and verify your password.

2. Select a security question.

3. Click Submit.

Step 2: Download and Install the Stratus MapUploader Tool

The Stratus Map Uploader tool is used to upload maps and tables from MapInfo Professional to Stratus. To download the Map

Uploader tool, click on the Documentation landing page URL provided in the Welcome email.

1. Click on “Download the tool” under the MapInfo Stratus Uploader section.

2. Save the file to your computer.

3. Extract all the files to the same location.

4. Click on Setup.exe to start the install process and save to a folder.

5. Once installation is complete, open MapInfo Professional.

6. In MapInfo Pro, click on Tools and then Tools Manager.

7. Click Add Tool.

8. Add a title for the tool (ex:MapInfo Stratus Uploader).

9. Select the location and file of where the tool was downloaded (select the file MapInfoStratusUploader.MBX).

10. In the Tool Manager box, click the AutoLoad check box, check both Loaded and AutoLoad boxes. Click OK.

For more information, please view the Upload a Map to MapInfo Stratus tutorial video.

Step 3: Upload Data (Maps and Tables)

To upload maps and tables to Stratus, open MapInfo Pro and the Stratus Administration Console.

1. Within MI Pro, open the map or layer you want to upload into Stratus.

2. Click on Tools.

3. Select MapInfo Stratus Uploader and again select MapInfo Stratus Uploader. (Note: the tool name maybe different depending on

how it was named when installed.)

4. Login to Stratus using your account/tenant name, user id and password. This information is provided in your Welcome email.

5. Enter a name for the map in the Map Name field and click Upload Stratus.

6. Switch to the Stratus Administration Console and select Add Maps.

7. Select the map that was uploaded and click Add Selected.

8. Adjust the position of the map layer using the up and down arrows.

9. Click Save.

For more information, please view the Upload a Map to MapInfo Stratus tutorial video.

Step 4: Create & Publish Maps

Creating and publishing maps, and setting the user permissions are done in the Stratus Administration Console.

1. In the Map Configs tab, click New. Enter a name for the map configuration and click Create.

2. Click Add Maps and select the map(s) to be included in the map configuration.

3. Under Map Properties, uncheck the Initially Visible checkbox. Do this for each added map and click Save once all changes

have been made. (This step is optional.)

4. Click on the Permissions tab. For each map configuration, assign one or more of the available roles. Note that any role

other than public requires a user to login. Click Save.

For more information, please view the Create a New Map in MapInfo Stratus tutorial video.