CCTV Camera Pros Geovision 8.5 Multicam Digital Surveillance System User Manual
Page 177

4. Select one camera from the drop-down list and enable Camera.
5. In the Setup section, select Video snapshot.
6. Click […] after Video Snapshot for further setup.
Figure 3-25
Frames: Specifies the frequency of automatic video snapshot. By default, the system will
take 2 frames every second when the monitoring starts.
Save as JPEG file: Saves the images in JPEG format. Otherwise, you can only access the
snapshots by using Quick Search and ViewLog players.
Enable I/O Trigger: Takes snapshots only when the assigned input device is triggered.
7. To activate the function at certain times only, click the Schedule button and select Active
Schedule. For details, see Video Analysis Schedule later in this chapter.
8. Click
OK to apply the settings
9. Start monitoring to take snapshots.