Working at the instrument rack, Working at a anti-esd work bench – Teledyne 6200E - Sulfides Analyzer User Manual

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A Primer on Electro-Static Discharge

Model 6200E Instruction Manual


M6200E Rev: A1

12.4.2. Basic anti-ESD Procedures for Analyzer Repair and

Maintenance Working at the Instrument Rack

When working on the analyzer while it is in the instrument rack and plugged into a properly

grounded power supply

1. Attach you anti-ESD wrist strap to ground before doing anything else.

• Use a wrist strap terminated with an alligator clip and attach it to a bare metal portion of

the instrument chassis. This will safely connect you to the same ground level to which the
instrument and all of its components are connected.

2. Pause for a second or two to allow any static charges to bleed away.

3. Open the casing of the analyzer and begin work. Up to this point the closed metal casing of

your analyzer has isolated the components and assemblies inside from any conducted or
induces static charges.

4. If you must remove a component from the instrument, do not lay it down on a non-ESD

preventative surface where static charges may lie in wait.

5. Only disconnect your wrist strap after you have finished work and closed the case of the

analyzer. Working at a Anti-ESD Work Bench.

When working on an instrument of an electronic assembly while it is resting on a anti-ESD work

1. Plug you anti-ESD wrist strap into the grounded receptacle of the work station before touching

any items on the work station and while standing at least a foot or so away, This will allow
any charges you are carrying to bleed away through the ground connection of the work station
and prevent discharges due to field effects and induction from occurring.

2. Pause for a second or two to allow any static charges to bleed away.

3. Only open any anti-ESD storage bins or bags containing sensitive devices or assemblies after

you have plugged your wrist strap into the work station.

• Lay the bag or bin on the workbench surface.

• Before opening the container, wait several seconds for any static charges on the outside

surface of the container to be bled away by the work station’s grounded protective mat.