Flash chip replacement or upgrade, Factory cal (pmt sensor, hardware calibration) – Teledyne 6200E - Sulfides Analyzer User Manual

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Model 6200E Instruction Manual


M6200E Rev: A1

revision, date and initials of the programmer. Remove the IC with a dedicated IC removal tool
or by gently prying it up from the socket. Do not bend the connector pins.

3. Install the new Disk-on-Chip, making sure the notch at the end of the chip matches the notch

in the socket. It may be necessary to straighten the pins somewhat to fit them into the socket.
Press the chip all the way in.

4. Close the rear panel and turn on power to the machine.

Generally, all of the setup information will need to be re-entered, unless the firmware revision has
not changed and the analyzer is equipped and properly configured with an EEPROM chip.

Whenever changing the version of installed software, the memory must be reset. Failure to
ensure that memory is reset can cause the analyzer to malfunction, and invalidate measurements.
Note especially that the A/D converter must be re-calibrated, and all information collected in step
1 above must be re-entered before the instrument will function correctly.

11.6.2. Flash Chip Replacement or Upgrade

The M6200E CPU board can accommodate up to two EEPROM flash chips. The standard
configuration is one chip with 64 kb of storage capacity, which is used to store a backup of the

analyzer configuration as created during final checkout at the factory. Replacing this chip will
erase that backup configuration, which will be replaced with a new copy when restarting the
analyzer. However, if the firmware and/or the DOC is changed at the same time, all analyzer
configuration settings and iDAS data will be lost. In this case, refer to the previous section on how
to back up your settings. Adding a second EEPROM chip to the existing chip will double memory
but this procedure will require a BIOS configuration. Contact the factory for details.

1. Turn off power to the instrument, fold down the rear panel by loosening the mounting screws.

2. When looking at the electronic circuits from the back of the analyzer, locate the EEPROM chip

in the left-most socket of the CPU board. The chip is square with one corner cut off, the socket

is shaped accordingly. Remove the old chip by using a special tool or gently pry the chip out
using a very fine screwdriver. Make sure not to bend or destroy any of the contacts of the


3. Reinstall the new or additional EEPROM chip, making sure the cut-off edge matches that of the

socket. Press the chip symmetrically and straight all the way in.

4. Close the rear panel and turn on power to the machine.

11.6.3. Factory Cal (PMT Sensor, Hardware Calibration)

The sensor module hardware calibration adjusts the slope of the PMT output when the
Instruments slope and offset values are outside of the acceptable range and all other more
obvious causes for this problem have been eliminated.

1. Set the instrument reporting range to

SNGL (Section 6.7.4)

2. Perform a full zero calibration using zero air (Section 7.2, 7.4, 7.4 or 7.8).

3. Let the instrument run for one hour to stabilize the lamp and run a lamp calibration from the

diagnostic menu. This is required to ensure proper scaling of the

NORM PMT value.