The analyzer doesn’t appear on the lan or internet, Subsystem checkout – Teledyne 6200E - Sulfides Analyzer User Manual

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Model 6200E Instruction Manual


M6200E Rev: A1


• Dirty sample chamber. Clean the sample chamber.

• Insufficient time allowed for purging of lines upstream of the analyzer.

• Insufficient time allowed for H


S calibration gas source to become stable.

11.4.3. The Analyzer Doesn’t Appear on the LAN or Internet

Most problems related to internet communications via the Ethernet card option will be due to
problems external to the analyzer (e.g. bad network wiring or connections, failed routers,
malfunctioning servers, etc.) However there are several symptoms that indicate the problem may
be with the Ethernet card itself.

• If none of the Ethernet’s cards four status LED’s (located on the analyzer’s rear panel) is

lit, it is possible that the card is not receiving power or is suffering from a massive failure.

• Under the Setup – CFG menu (see Section 6.5) the firmware revision of the iChip

processor on the Ethernet card should be listed. It will appear something like:

SAMPLE iChip Rev. IL702P16 1.3


If “

????”appears as the revision number, something is preventing the iChip from being


• On initial start up after iChip driver is enabled the analyzer’s COMM port driver tests the

iChip to determine the baud rate at which it is set to function. This test occurs when the
instrument is approximately 75% though its boot-up procedure and takes about 90
seconds to complete.

This test should only occur on the initial start up of the analyzer after the Ethernet card is
installed and activated (usually at the factory). A 90 second pause at this point in its boot
process every time it is turned on could indicate that a problem exists with the iChip itself,
the Ethernet card or the analyzer’s Disk-on-Chip memory that is preventing it from holding
the proper baud rate setting for the

COM2 port in memory.

11.5. Subsystem Checkout

The preceding sections of this manual discussed a variety of methods for identifying possible

sources of failures or performance problems within the analyzer. In most cases this included a list
of possible causes and, in some cases, quick solutions or at least a pointer to the appropriate

sections describing them. This section describes how to determine if a certain component or
subsystem is actually the cause of the problem being investigated.