Paradyne 6800 User Manual
Page 318

COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System
January 1997
7. You are now ready to copy the IPC-900 diagnostic onto the newly formatted disk. To
copy the diagnostic device drivers and programs, at the A>: prompt:
TYPE: copy a:*.* b:*.*
a. The system prompts you to insert a disk in the drive. Insert the disk entitled
Intelligent Ports Card MS-DOS Device Drivers and Diagnostics Version 3.09 into the
drive and
PRESS: Enter
b. The system will eventually prompt you to insert a disk in Drive B. Remove the
diagnostic disk, insert the newly formatted disk into the same drive, and
PRESS: Enter
Steps a and b will alternate until the entire disk has been copied.
8. You now have to create a config.sys file to allow the IPC device drivers to be
automatically loaded when the system is booted. To do this, at the A:> prompt,
TYPE: copy con: config.sys
The cursor will advance to the next line and await input. At this point, whatever you type
on the keyboard will be put into a buffer and then written to a file named config.sys.
Enter the following lines into the config.sys file
TYPE: device=ipc.drv /2B0,D2000,0
buffers = 10
PRESS: Enter
after each line. When complete,
PRESS: Enter
to signal end of input; ^ Z will appear on the display.
9. With the newly created diagnostic disk in the drive, boot the system to load the device
drivers. At the Boot Menu (Figure 8-1) select Option 2 to boot from the floppy. During
reboot you should see messages referring to the driver for the IPC-900. (For more
detailed information, refer to the AT&T Intelligent Ports Card Model 900 (IPC-900)
User’s Guide.)