Paradyne 6800 User Manual

Page 264

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System Start-Up and Shutdown



January 1997

3. To select Start the system,


PRESS: Enter

The following message displays, indicating that the NMS start-up was successful:

Starting the AT&T Paradyne NMS system, Please wait...

Performing database error check...

Database error check is continuing, please wait...

Database error check has been completed.

The AT&T Paradyne NMS system has been successfully started.

Press RETURN to continue

4. To continue, you have to redisplay the Network Management System Menu (Figure 6-1).

To do this,

PRESS: Enter

5. With the Network Management System Menu displayed,

TYPE: 11

PRESS: Enter

to select Return to Console login. The unix login: prompt will appear.

6. At the unix login: prompt,

TYPE: ffw

PRESS: Enter

7. The system will prompt you for the full-feature workstation (FFW) password. The default

is no password (merely press Enter).

TYPE: the FFW password

PRESS: Enter

The following message displays:

Welcome to Altos SCO Unix System V/386 Release 3.2

followed by the FFW Login window, as shown in Figure 6-2.