Paradyne 6800 User Manual

Page 226

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Loading and Restoring Software



January 1997

16. The system responds:

Settings saved the file “C:\/XONE\/hardware.cfg”.

Press any key to continue

PRESS: Enter

17. The system prompts:

Xsetup will need to copy the graphics driver ‘’
from the X-One diskette to the C:\/XONE directory.

Insert the disk labeled ‘Install’ in drive A:
Press ENTER to continue or ‘q’ to Quit

18. Insert the proper disk and

PRESS: Enter

19. The system responds:

1 file extracted from archive

Press any key to continue

PRESS: Enter

20. The system prompts:

Select Network configuration
1. Grafpoint’s own builtin TCP/IP
2. Beame and Whiteside BW-TCP
3. FTP Software’s PC/TCP version 2.05
4. FTP Software’s PC/TCP version 2.1 or later
5. Sun Microsystem’s PC/NFS ver’s 3.5-3.9
6. Sun Microsystem’s PC/NFS ver. 4.0 or later
7. Woolongong’s Pathway TCP

Enter Selection or ‘q’ to Quit [1]:

PRESS: Enter

21. The system then prompts:

Select Network Interface
4. 3COM 3C503 (Etherlink II)

Enter selection or ‘q’ to Quit:


PRESS: Enter