Paradyne 6800 User Manual

Page 173

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COMSPHERE 6800 Series Network Management System


January 1997


The system prompts for the tape and floppy and asks:

Strike ENTER when ready or ESC to stop

PRESS: Enter

15. After the disk and tape are read, the following message appears:

Done reading tape...

16. The system continues:

TCP/IP Runtime Serialization

Enter your serial number or enter q to quit:


The serial number and activation key entered must be unique
across all TCP/IP nodes on the network to which the host is
connected. The TCP/IP daemon will shut down for both nodes
having equal serial number or activation keys.

TYPE: serial number from distribution package

PRESS: Enter

The system prompts:

Enter your activation key or enter q to quit

TYPE: activation key

PRESS: Enter

Several status messages appear and the system then prompts:

Enter the system node name or enter return to use [unix]:


If you plan to use the default network configuration, you

must enter

unix as the system node name and as the internet address.

PRESS: Enter

to accept the default node name, or

TYPE: system node name

PRESS: Enter

The following messages appear:

TCP/IP Configuration Complete.
Altos TCP/IP Runtime installation complete.

The system displays the currently configured chains and then the following menu: