Paradyne 6800 User Manual
Page 178
Loading and Restoring Software
January 1997
22. The system displays the following prompt:
Enter the 11-character serial number (for example
RDS# 9999999) exactly as it appears on the media:
TYPE: the INFORMIX serial number key
PRESS: Enter
23. The system displays the following message:
Enter the 6-character serial number key exactly as it appears on the registration
TYPE: the INFORMIX serial number key
PRESS: Enter
24. The system displays the following prompt asking for verification of the numbers entered.
For example,
You have entered # # # # # # # # # # # for the serial number and # # # # # # for the
serial number key. Are they correct? [yn]:
If the information is correct,
PRESS: Enter
If the information is incorrect,
PRESS: Enter
25. If you entered n, the system prompts you for the information once more. Once the correct
information has been entered, the INFORMIX OnLine and 4GL Runtime packages are
branded and the following message is displayed:
Branding of INFORMIX files completed
Setting password for user: informix
Password change is forced for informix
Choose password
You can choose whether you pick a password, or have the system create one for you.
1. Pick a password
2. Pronounceable password will be generated for you
Enter choice (default is 1):
PRESS: Enter