Promise Technology 2-Year Extended Warranty for VessR2000 RAID Head User Manual
Page 380

Product Manual
Adding a portal also requires -m
vlantag =
The VLAN tag of a portal in LAN-mode. Range is 1 to 4094.
trunkid =
The Trunk ID of a portal in Trunk-mode. Range is 1 to 8.
dhcp =
Enable or Disable DHCP on the portal.
iptype =
The IP address type of portal.
4 IPv4
6 IPv6
primaryip =
The primary IP address of portal. Use when DHCP is disabled.
primaryipmask =
The primary IP mask of portal. Use when DHCP is disabled.
gateway =
Specify the gateway.
Verbose mode. Used with -a list.
iscsi -t port -p 2 -c 1
iscsi -a del -t session -i 2
iscsi -a mod -s “keepalive=enable”
iscsi -a mod -t target -n 1 -s “alias=vendorNode”
iscsi -a add -t portal -p 1 -c 1 -m phy -s”iptype=4,dhcp=enable”