Gasboy Fleet Head Office System User Manual

Page 260

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The System opens a new screen, divided into several parts (see Figure 10-2):

a. Suggested order for station: if the order screen is opened via the status screen,

station name and data is already filled up; if it is opened via 'new order' a station
should be selected from Station Name drop down list

b. Current Station Status: a read-only grid consisting of several lines presenting all

tanks in the station (tank name, fuel type, ullage, capacity, current volume, last
order, days left). |
Tanks with low fuel level are indicated with the same colors used in the Status
screen. Tanks are ordered by urgency colors (red on top) and the user can change
the order by clicking on any title

To add a tank to the order lines, double-click on the required tank, or select the tank and
click on the Add to Order button.
c. Order information header data: the user needs to enter the following data in the

order header combo and text boxes:

i. Supplier: The supplier that delivers fuel to the station. The user

can select a supplier from the supplier list. The field is filled
automatically in cases where the user defined default supplier for
this station.

ii. Depot: The Depot that supplies fuel to the station. The user can

select a depot from a depot list. The field is filled automatically in
cases where the user defined default supplier for this station. This
is a non mandatory field

iii. Notes: the user can add any free text to the order (Up to 200


iv. Order #: Read only field storing the order number after saving the


d. Order lines data: The user should enter the specific data required for each tank's

order. Lines representing low level tanks are added automatically to this grid;
more lines can be added by double clicking on the relevant tank in the Current
Station Status section, or by selecting one line in this grid and clicking Add to
Order. To delete a line, select the desired line and click Delete Line. The fields in
this grid are:

i. Tank Name: is filled automatically for tanks reaching low level,

or selected by user

ii. Order Fuel Type: is filled automatically for tanks reaching low

level, or selected by user

iii. Order Volume: The user needs to insert this number. Filled

automatically in cases where the user defined order amount
volume for the specific tank. The system checks and does not
allow the user to approve an order with an amount larger than
tank ullage

iv. Due date: The user can select the requested delivery date and time

v. Urgency: Normal or Urgent. The user can select this definition

from a list

FMS and FHO User’s Manual - MDE-4821