New fleet – validation tab – Gasboy Fleet Head Office System User Manual
Page 161

Figure 7-20. Fleet Properties – Account Tab - Wrong Value Message
7.8.6. New Fleet – Validation Tab
The validation tab is used to define the attributes allowing fueling by the vehicle’s department when
checking in the OrPT (Orpak Outdoor Payment Terminal) unit (see Figure 7-21). Click on the
relevant check boxes to define the validation information in the applicable fields.
a. Pin Code: If checked, the driver is required to enter a PIN after presenting or swiping a
fueling tag/card. The two optional radio buttons:
From authorization mean or Use value
from DB define the storage location of the PIN for validation control. In the first option, the
number is stored on the card and in the second option in the system DB. The driver can be
allowed to retry several times (numeric integer) after which two options can be defined: the
device is blocked and cannot be used any more (should be unblocked by an administrator),
or the refueling is authorized even after PIN validation failure.
b. Odometer: If checked, the driver is required to insert odometer reading. This is valid only
for devices that do not have odometer reading (VIUs). If reasonability check is required,
then the maximum delta allowed (numeric integer) from previous value is checked. The
driver can be allowed to retry several times (numeric integer) to input the correct odometer.
Fueling is still authorized even if it fails reasonability, in this case the system generates an
event on the Event Viewer screen (refer to paragraph 13.2):
Wrong odometer entered that
also informs about the OrTP from which the transaction was executed.
c. Engine Hours: If checked the driver is asked to input engine hours.
d. Vehicle Number: If this option is checked, the driver is required to enter the vehicle number
on the OrPT. The entered value must match the vehicle number defined for the specific
device in the database. This number is not saved in the transaction record.
Prompt for additional fields on OrPT for all transaction types: If checked, the system
requests the defined validation parameters also for vehicle mounted devices, which
otherwise start the transaction without driver interaction with the payment terminal.
By default (checkbox unmarked), the system prompts the driver only if the transaction
started from OrPT.
This feature is mainly intended for vehicles equipped with FuelOpass only.
FMS and FHO User’s Manual - MDE-4821