Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 907

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Chapter 25

Preferences, project settings, and key commands


Spacing settings

Bar Start Spacing and Bar End Spacing fields: Change the relative distance between the first
and last note of a bar, and the preceding or subsequent bar line. Keep in mind that changing
the default settings of these parameters only makes sense if rather extreme values have been
chosen for the general Spacing parameters in the Global Score pane.

Dot to Note Distance and Dot to Dot Distance fields: Determine the distance between the note
heads and dots, for dotted notes. Dot/Dot Distance refers to double dotted notes.

Accidental to Note Distance field: Use to globally alter the horizontal distance of accidentals
from the corresponding note heads. The default setting should only be changed if very small
values are used for the Spacing parameters, which results in a tiny distance between notes.
This global setting can also be combined with the Accidental Distance parameter of individual
notes, in the Note Attributes window.

Accidental to Accidental Distance field: Use to globally alter the horizontal distance between
several accidentals, in chords.

Others settings

Stem Length field: Determines the default setting for stem length.

Horizontal Tie Position and Vertical Tie Position fields: Determine the distances between note
heads and related ties (which are displayed automatically).

Factory Defaults button: Click to reset all parameters to their default settings.