Inspector – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
Page 74

Chapter 4
Logic Pro basics
Open the Library
Do one of the following:
Click the Library button
in the control bar.
Choose View > Show Library.
For information about using the Library, see
You can view and edit parameters for regions, tracks, and other items in the various inspectors.
The parameters displayed depend on the type of item selected, and which working area has key
focus. When you’re working in the Tracks area, the inspector displays region and track parameters
and the inspector channel strips, as shown below:
Inspector channel strips
Region inspector
Track inspector
Region inspector: View and edit playback parameters, including transposition and quantization,
for selected regions. Region parameters affect the playback of regions, but don’t alter the data
in the region itself. If you change region parameters while the project is playing, you hear the
changes immediately.
Track inspector: View and edit various track parameters, including transposition, velocity, and
delay. All regions on the track are affected by the track parameters.
Inspector channel strips: The left channel strip is the channel strip for the selected track. The
right channel strip shows the output for the left channel strip by default, but can also show
an aux used by the left channel strip (if one exists). You can adjust the level, pan, sends, and
inserts, change effects, and control audio routing for these channel strips without opening
the Mixer.