Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
Page 835

Chapter 24
Video and synchronization
Search a movie for scene cuts
Choose a movie range from the Navigate > Other > Create Movie Scene Markers submenu.
Search a movie for scene cuts using the Auto Range setting
The Auto Range setting follows the decision path outlined below, when determining which part
of the movie will be evaluated:
Marquee selection
Cycled project part
Selected regions
All—if none of the above criteria is met
Do one of the following:
Open the Movie pop-up menu in the global Movie track header, then choose Create Marker Set
from Scene Cuts.
Use the Create Scene Markers (Auto Range) key command.
Remove individual scene markers
Do one of the following:
Choose an option from the Navigate > Other > Remove Movie Scene Markers submenu.
Use the Remove Scene Markers (Auto Range) key command.
Open the Marker List, select the scene marker, then choose Edit > Cut or Edit > Delete from the
Marker List Edit menu (or use the corresponding key commands).
Remove all scene markers or marker sets
Do one of the following:
Choose Remove All Scene Markers from the Navigate > Other > Remove Movie Scene
Markers submenu.
Note: This command does not remove the marker set; only the markers in the set.
Open the Marker pop-up menu in the global Marker track header, then choose Marker Sets >
Delete Set.
Open the Marker List, then choose Marker Sets > Delete Set in the Marker Set pop-up menu.
Convert a scene marker to a normal marker
Open the Marker List, select the scene marker, then choose Options > Convert to
Standard Marker.
Convert a normal marker to a scene marker
Select the marker in the Marker List, then choose Options > Convert to Scene Marker.