Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
Page 135

Chapter 6
Work with projects
Use additional transport buttons
Click any of the following:
Go to Beginning button: Moves the playhead to the start of the project.
Pause button
Play from Right Locator button
Play from Left Window Edge button
Go to Selection Start button
Go to Left Locator button
Capture Recording button
Play from Selection button
Play from Left Locator button
Play from Beginning button
Go to Right Locator button
Go to Position button
Go to Position button: Moves the playhead to a target bar or time position that you specify in the
Go to Position dialog.
Go to Left Locator button: Moves the playhead to the left locator position shown in the ruler. The
left locator defines the cycle area start point. Use the cycle area to repeatedly play, or record over,
a section.
Go to Right Locator button: Moves the playhead to the right locator position shown in the ruler.
The right locator defines the cycle area end point. Use the cycle area to repeatedly play, or record
over, a section.
Go to Selection Start button: Moves the playhead to the start point of the first selected region or
event. Default key command assignment: Shift-Return.
Play from Beginning button: Plays from the start of the project.
Play from Left Window Edge button: Plays from the leftmost visible point in the active workspace.
Play from Left Locator button: Plays from the left locator position shown in the ruler. The left
locator defines the cycle area start point. Use the cycle area to repeatedly play, or record over,
a section.
Play from Right Locator button: Plays from the right locator position shown in the ruler. The right
locator defines the cycle area end point. Use the cycle area to repeatedly play, or record over,
a section.
Play from Selection button: Plays from the start point of the first selected region or event. Default
key command assignment: Shift-Return.
Pause button: Pauses playback or recording, until you click either the Pause or Play button.
Capture Recording button: Captures the most recent performance, even if Logic Pro was not in
record mode while you were playing.