Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 614

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Chapter 20

View and edit music notation


Move items using key commands


Use any of the following:

To move the selected notes forward or backward one bar: Use Nudge Region/Event Position Left
by Bar and Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Bar.

To move the selected notes forward or backward one beat.Use Nudge Region/Event Position Left
by Beat and Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Beat.

To move the selected events forward or backward one division step (as set in the LCD): Use Nudge
Region/Event Position Left by Division and Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Division.

Paste the Clipboard contents into several regions


Select all targeted regions (either in the Tracks area or Score Editor) by Shift-clicking the staffs/

regions, or dragging to select adjacent regions.
The Region inspector title indicates the number of selected regions.


Choose Edit > Paste Multiple (or use the Paste Multiple key command.)

Copy an entire musical passage to the same time position in another region
You can use the Paste at Original Position and Paste Multiple at Original Position commands to
quickly copy passages from one MIDI region to another, at the same time position. No insert
position is required, and no automatic insert quantization takes place.


Select the notes and symbols of the passage.


Select the staff you want to paste the passage to.


Choose Edit > Paste at Original Position (or use the Paste at Original Position key command).

The notes and symbols are pasted at the position they were originally copied from, regardless of
the current playhead position.

The Paste Multiple at Original key command works in a similar way, but allows you to paste a
musical passage to the staffs of other instruments. You need to select all destination staffs before
using the Paste Multiple command.

You can use these commands in combination with the Select Similar function, to quickly copy all
dynamic symbols from one staff into other staffs or instruments, for example.

Moving items in time is affected by the display quantization grid (Quantize) setting. If a hybrid
Quantize value is selected (16, 24 for example), the grid corresponds to the duple value (16, in
this example).

If note positions are not aligned with the time grid (because they were recorded in real time),
their relative offset is retained when they are moved or copied.

You can move or copy unquantized passages within the Score Editor, without losing the
original feel of the performance.

The following types of symbols cannot be copied or moved in the Score Editor:

Global symbols, such as repeat signs, time and key signature changes—except in the
Signature List and Signature track—and global text elements (headers and so on). (For
additional information, see

Time and key signatures overview

on page 576.)

Symbols directly attached to notes, such as accents, fermatas, note heads, and so on.