Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 302

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Chapter 10

Create a song arrangement


Lengthen regions to remove gaps between them


Select the regions you want to lengthen.


Choose Edit > Trim > Region End to Next Region (or use the corresponding key command).

The selected regions are lengthened to end at the start point of the next region on the track.

Lengthen selected regions between locators


Set the left and right locator positions by doing one of the following:

Drag from left to right across the upper part of the ruler.

Set the value in the locator fields in the LCD.


Select the regions within the locator boundaries.

You can quickly select all regions inside the locators by choosing Edit > Select > All
Inside Locators.


Choose Edit > Trim > Fill within Locators (or use the corresponding key command).

All selected regions within the locator boundaries are lengthened, closing the gaps between
them. On each track, the last region within the locator boundaries is not lengthened.