Control timing with the groove track, 190 control timing with the groove track, Control timing with the – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 190: Groove track

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Chapter 7

Work with tracks


Show or hide the subtracks for the master track


Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the track icon in the main track.

After you show the subtracks for the master track, you can choose shared effect parameters to
automate, record or add automation control points, and edit the automation to control shared
effect parameters.

You can set the basic playback volume using the Master Volume slider in the control bar. This
slider corresponds to the master channel strip in the Mixer, and acts as a master volume control
for the overall project. For more information, see

Control the overall project volume


Control timing with the groove track

You can set a track as a groove track, and match (synchronize) the timing of other tracks in
the project to it. When you play the project, the timing of matched tracks adjusts to match the
timing of the groove track.

Only one track in a project can be a groove track. You can select which tracks in the project
match the timing of the groove track. When a track is set to match the groove track, time
quantization is unavailable for that track.

Set the groove track


Hold the pointer over the left edge of the header of the track you want to set as the groove track.


Click the star that appears in the narrow rectangle on the left edge of the track header.

Match other tracks to the groove track


Select the Match Groove Track checkbox on the left side of each track’s header.

To prevent a track from matching the groove track, deselect the Match Groove Track checkbox.

Turn off the groove track


Click the star in the header of the current groove track.