Reset patches to their original settings, Save custom patches – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
Page 184

Chapter 7
Work with tracks
Close the patch merging area
Click the close box at the upper-left corner of the patch merging area.
When the patch merging area is closed, choosing a patch from the Library replaces the current
patch (equivalent to all buttons being selected).
When the main track of a summing stack is selected, patch merging is not available.
Reset patches to their original settings
You can reset a patch to its original settings, discarding any changes you previously made.
Reset a patch to its original settings
Select the track, then click the Library button
if the Library is not already open.
In the Library, select the patch you want to reset from the list on the right, then click Revert.
If you want to save your changes to the patch, save the patch with a different name, then reset
the original patch.
Save custom patches
You can save a patch’s settings in the Library and apply the settings to other instruments, or use
them in another project.
You can delete a patch you have saved from the Library if you no longer want to use it. You can’t
delete the sounds included with Logic Pro.
Save a patch
Select the track, then click the Library button
if the Library is not already open.
In the Library, select the patch you want to save, then click Save.
You can also select a new category on the left.
In the dialog that appears, enter a name for the saved patch.
After you save a patch for the first time, a User Patches folder appears in the Library. Saved
patches are saved to the User Patches folder. You can use them in any Logic Pro project.
Note: If you have MainStage 2 or later installed on your computer, custom patches you save in
MainStage appear in a MainStage Patches subfolder of the User Patches folder, and can be used
in Logic Pro.
Delete a saved patch
Select the track, then click the Library button
if the Library is not already open.
In the Library, select the patch you want to delete from the list on the right, then click Delete.
After you delete a patch, it can’t be recovered for any project. Deleting a patch
cannot be undone.