Choose genres and drummers – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 368

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Chapter 13

Add a drummer to your project


Choose genres and drummers

Each genre comes with a number of drummers who have their own drum kit and distinct
playing style.

When you add a Drummer track to the project, a default genre and drummer is loaded, along
with a default patch associated with the drummer. You can change the genre and the drummer,
with these changes influencing all regions on the track. If you change a drummer, a new patch
is loaded, which means that the drum kit as well as the kit mix is replaced with that of the new
drummer. However, it’s possible to choose a new drummer without loading a new patch, or to
choose a new drummer without changing any region settings you have made on the track.

Note: Some drummers are only available after you download additional content.

Choose a genre and drummer


Choose a genre from the Genre pop-up menu.

You can choose between Rock, Alternative, Songwriter, and R&B.

The available drummers for the chosen genre appear.


Click a drummer.