Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 694

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Chapter 20

View and edit music notation


Separate voices by MIDI channel


Assign a MIDI channel to each voice in the Staff Style window’s Chan column.

When you use MIDI channels to assign notes to staffs or voices:

You can edit the MIDI channel in the same way you do all other events, by selecting the events
and changing the MIDI channel in the Event inspector or the Event List.

You can quickly change the MIDI channel of selected note events with the Event Channel
+1 and Event Channel −1 key commands. These can be especially useful when used in
combination with the Select Next Region/Event, or Set Marquee End to Next Transient key
command and the Select Previous Region/Event, or set Marquee End to Previous Transient key
command, which allow you to move the selection from note to note.

You can also use Score Editor functions designed to speed up the process of changing the MIDI
channel settings of notes, in order to assign them to the specific voices. These include the Auto
Split preference and the Voice Separation tool.

Split previously recorded regions by MIDI channel


Select the region.


Choose Functions > Note Events > Assign MIDI Channels based on Score Split from the Score

Editor menu bar (or use the corresponding key command).
The region’s notes are assigned to voices in the staff style, according to the Auto Split pitch in the
Score preferences.

Assign notes to MIDI channels using the Voice Separation tool


Select the Voice Separation tool, then draw a line (between notes) where you want to separate

the voices.

Notes below the line are moved to the MIDI channel below their current assignment.


If you make a mistake, move the pointer back slightly to the left.

The separation line is erased to the right of the tool, allowing you to try again.