Chapter 10: create a song arrangement – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
Page 8

Move, copy, and convert audio files
Export and import audio region information
269 Import compressed audio files
270 Add ReCycle files to your project
272 Supported media and file formats
Media and file formats overview
Chapter 10: Create a song arrangement
278 Arranging overview
279 Work in the Tracks area
Position items using the ruler
Control positioning with drag modes
Scroll and zoom in the Tracks area
288 Arrange regions in the Tracks area
Select regions in the Tracks area
Select parts of regions in the Tracks area
Cut, copy, and paste regions in the Tracks area
Move regions in the Tracks area
Add or remove gaps in an arrangement
Shift the playback position of regions in the Tracks area
Loop regions in the Tracks area
Resize regions in the Tracks area
Mute and solo regions in the Tracks area
Time stretch regions in the Tracks area
Split regions in the Tracks area
Demix MIDI regions in the Tracks area
Join regions in the Tracks area
Create aliases of MIDI regions in the Tracks area
Clone audio regions in the Tracks area
Change the color of regions in the Tracks area
Convert audio regions to EXS sample zones
Delete regions in the Tracks area
318 Create fades and crossfades on audio regions
322 Remove silent passages from audio files
Remove silent passages in the Strip Silence Window