Move audio files used for audio regions, Export midi regions as standard midi files – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
Page 198

Chapter 7
Work with tracks
Move audio files used for audio regions
You can move audio files used for audio regions to a new location. This is useful if the audio files
are saved in the project, or are referenced outside the project in multiple locations.
When you select one or more audio regions and choose Move Files, all audio files used for the
selected regions are moved to the location you choose, both audio files stored in the project and
audio files referenced from outside the project.
Move audio files used for audio regions to a new location
Select the audio regions in the Tracks area.
Control-click one of the selected files, then choose Export > Move File(s) out of project from the
shortcut menu.
If only audio regions from audio files referenced outside the project are selected, the command
appears as Move File(s).
In the Move File(s) dialog, browse to and select the new location for the files, then click Choose.
Export MIDI regions as standard MIDI files
You can export one or more MIDI regions as standard MIDI files, to play in another music
application. If your project contains only MIDI regions, you can merge the regions and export the
entire project as a MIDI file. Before exporting, you need to perform several steps to prepare the
MIDI regions.
Because Standard MIDI file type 0 format files can only save a single MIDI region, you must also
join MIDI regions you want to export as a MIDI file in file format 0. You can do this by selecting
the regions and choosing Edit > Join (or use the Glue tool).
Prepare MIDI regions for export
Control-click the regions, then choose MIDI > Normalize Region Parameters from the
shortcut menu.
Control-click the regions, then choose MIDI > Apply Quantization Destructively from the
shortcut menu.
Convert any aliases to region copies by choosing Functions > Region Alias > Convert Alias to a
Copy from the Tracks area menu bar (or use the Convert Alias to a Region Copy key command).
Convert all loops into regions by selecting the loops and choosing Convert > Convert Loops to
Regions from the shortcut menu.
Convert all MIDI regions on each track into a continuous MIDI region by choosing Edit > Join >
Regions per Tracks (or use the Join Regions per Tracks key command).
Insert all instrument MIDI settings as events by choosing Functions > Insert Instrument MIDI
settings as Events from the Tracks area menu bar.
Export one or more MIDI regions as standard MIDI files
Select the MIDI regions to export.
Choose File > Export > Selection as MIDI File.
Choose the destination directory, enter a name, then click Save. The selected MIDI regions are
saved as a Format 1 MIDI file.
Note: If you’re exporting MIDI files to use with a hardware sequencer, you may need to limit the
filenames to an 8.3 character name; such as “proj0001.MID.”