Audio settings – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
Page 890

Chapter 25
Preferences, project settings, and key commands
Audio settings
Audio settings are used to determine the audio behavior in Logic Pro.
Sample Rate pop-up menu: Use to choose the sample rate for the project.
When Show Advanced Tools is selected in Advanced preferences, the following are available:
“Playback pre-roll” checkbox: When selected, all start commands force Logic Pro to start
playback a little earlier (shifted to the left). The exact pre-roll value depends on the current
delay compensation value for plug-ins. This option ensures that transients that fall exactly
on the start position are played back correctly. If this option is unselected, transients that fall
precisely on the start position can be missed, or seem to fade in.
Pan Law pop-up menu: Signals panned to the center position may sound louder than signals
panned hard left or right. The Pan Law value determines the amount of volume reduction on
signals that are panned to the center position. You can choose from the following settings:
0 dB: With no change to the volume level, signals will seem louder when panned to the
center position, in comparison with extreme left or right pan positions.
–3 dB: A full scale signal (0 dBfs) will have a level of –3 dB when panned to the
center position.
–3 dB compensated: A full scale signal (0 dBfs) will have a level of 0 dB when panned to the
center position (or +3 dB when panned to extreme left or right positions).
Apply Pan Law Compensation to Stereo Balancers checkbox: Applies Pan Law compensation to
Stereo Balance controls.
Note: For compatibility purposes, this checkbox is selected by default when older projects
are opened.
When Additional Surround Options is selected in Advanced preferences, the following is
Surround Format pop-up menu: Use to choose the surround format for the project.
When Advanced Editing is selected in Advanced preferences, the following are available:
“Automatic management of channel strip objects” checkbox: Makes the creation and
management of tracks and channel strips a transparent experience. You should only
deselect this setting when you need to make manual changes to channel strips in the
Environment window.
“Automatic naming of channel strip objects” checkbox: Allows the automatic naming of channel
strips according to the last loaded setting (CST, SI PST, or EXS Instrument—whichever was
loaded last), until the user enters a channel strip name manually (in the track header, channel
strip, Mixer, or Environment).