Use the channel eq – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
Page 500

Chapter 16
Mix a project
Bypass a plug-in
If you want to deactivate a plug-in, but don’t want to remove it from the channel strip, you can
bypass it. Bypassed plug-ins don’t drain system resources.
Do one of the following:
Place the pointer over the plug-in slot, then click the Bypass button that appears to the left.
Click the center area of the plug-in slot to open the plug-in window, then click the Bypass button
at the left side of the plug-in window header.
The plug-in slot turns gray, indicating that the plug-in is bypassed.
Use the Channel EQ
The Channel EQ is an audio effect, like any other. In most mixing situations, it’s used as the first
effect on a channel strip, allowing you to sculpt the sound of the channel strip signal before
applying other effects.
Add a Channel EQ
Do one of the following:
If Audio Effect slot 1 is not used: Double-click the EQ area.
The Channel EQ is inserted in the first Audio Effect slot and the EQ area changes to a thumbnail
view of the Channel EQ display.
If Audio Effect slot 1 is used: Option–double-click the EQ area.
The Channel EQ is inserted as the first plug-in, all existing plug-ins are moved one slot down, and
any existing automation data is redirected.
If Audio Effect slot 1 is used: Double-click the EQ area.
The Channel EQ is inserted in the next available (unused) slot.