Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
Page 366

Chapter 13
Add a drummer to your project
In the New Tracks dialog, select the Drummer track.
Click Create.
If the project does not have arrangement markers: A Drummer track containing two 8-bar
regions is created. Two different presets associated with the drummer are loaded to the
two regions.
If the project has arrangement markers: A Drummer track containing as many regions as there
are arrangement markers is created. The length and name of the Drummer regions correspond
to the existing arrangement markers.
Create an additional region on a Drummer track
Control-click an empty area of the Drummer track, then choose Create Drummer Region from
the shortcut menu.
A new 8-bar region is created at the downbeat that precedes the clicked position. However, if
an arrangement marker exists at this position, the region will match the length and name of
the marker.
Fill the entire Drummer track with regions
Control-click an empty area of the Drummer track, then choose Populate with Drummer Regions
from the shortcut menu.
The Drummer track is filled with regions up to the project end point. Gaps are filled with 8-bar
regions as much as possible, without overwriting existing regions. Any gaps smaller than one bar
will not be filled; the expectation is that such gaps were created for short pauses, for example. If
an arrangement track exists, as many regions as there are arrangement markers are created, with
the length and name of the regions corresponding to the markers.