Recording settings – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 884

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Chapter 25

Preferences, project settings, and key commands


Recording settings

You can use Recording settings to determine how Logic Pro responds while in record mode.

When Show Advanced Tools is selected in Advanced preferences, the following are available:

When Beginning buttons: Use to choose between a count-in or pre-roll period when starting
to record.

Count-in: When selected, you can use the “Count-in” pop-up menu to set the count-in period
that precedes a recording.

Record pre-roll: When selected, you can set a pre-roll time in seconds and milliseconds. When
recording, this value is deducted from the current project position.

“Count-in” pop-up menu: Sets the count-in period that precedes a recording.

None: The recording begins with no count-in.

x Bar: The recording begins with a count-in of between 1 Bar and 6 Bars (chosen from the
pop-up menu).

x/4: The count-in’s time signature can be set here. These settings are useful when the
count-in falls across a bar change.

“Allow tempo change recording” checkbox: All tempo changes made while in record mode
are recorded.

Auto-colorize takes checkbox: When selected, take folders use the color chosen from the Color
palette for the first take recording, but different colors for each of the following recorded takes
in that take folder. All colors used in a take folder are chosen from the same color row in the
Color palette, advancing by a predefined number of columns after each take.

MIDI: Overlapping Recordings pop-up menu: Sets the behavior when your MIDI
recordings overlap.

Create Take Folders: A new take folder is created when recording over an existing MIDI region.

Join with Selected Regions: Newly recorded data is merged with all selected regions, to form a
single region. This takes place after each recording is completed.

Join when Cycling: When recording in Cycle mode, this function merges the data recorded in
all cycle passes into a single region. If not in Cycle mode, each newly recorded MIDI region
will be independent (not merged).