Mapped instrument objects – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 781

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Chapter 23

Work in the Environment


In the above image, subchannel 1 is selected, subchannels 1 to 8 are activated, and subchannels
9 to 16 have been removed from the Reassign Track shortcut menu.

Connect the output of an object directly to the input of a subchannel


Option-click the source object’s output triangle, then choose the subchannel in the Reassign
Track shortcut menu. (See

Cable Environment objects

on page 766.)

You can’t drag a cable to a subchannel. Any dragged cables can only be connected to the entire
multi-instrument object, not one of its subchannels.

Mapped instrument objects

Mapped instrument objects overview

A mapped instrument is particularly useful for drum instruments or any drum-mode MIDI device.
A drum-mode device has different sounds assigned to different MIDI notes, but only uses a
single MIDI channel; for example, a drum kit loaded into the EXS24 mkII, or MIDI channel 10 of a
GM-compliant sound module, or a drum machine.

A mapped instrument is used just like a standard instrument, but each individual input note can

Named (snare, hi-hat, and so on)

Mapped to an output note

Given a velocity offset

Assigned its own MIDI channel

Sent to one of up to 16 output cables (This allows you to create a single instrument that
addresses multiple sound sources.)

Given its own notation parameters: note head shape, relative vertical position in the staff, and
drum group assignment (See

Use drum notation with mapped staff styles

on page 697.)

The mapped instrument’s parameters are a subset of the standard instrument parameters. The
missing settings are available on a note-by-note basis in the Mapped Instrument window. For
details, see

Common object parameters

on page 756.

Create a new mapped instrument


Choose New > Mapped Instrument.