Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 140

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Chapter 6

Work with projects


Change the time, tempo, and clock format


Choose Logic Pro > Preferences > Display (or use the Open Display Preferences key command).


Choose one of the following settings in the Display Time as pop-up menu:

With Bits: Subframes (SMPTE bits 0 to 79) are shown.

Without Bits: Subframes are not shown.

With Quarter Frames: Quarter frames are shown.

As Feet Frames, 35 mm film: The display is displayed in feet and frames, for 35mm film.

As Feet Frames, 16 mm film: The display is displayed in feet and frames, for 16mm film.

With Milliseconds: The frame fractions are displayed in milliseconds instead of SMPTE bits (also
called subframes). Remember that this value is dependent on the frame rate: at 25 fps, a frame
is 40 milliseconds long, at 30 fps, approximately 33 ms.

With Samples: Frame fractions are shown as sample values.

With Frames and Samples: Both fractional frame and sample values are shown.


Select the “Zeros as spaces” checkbox if you want zero values to appear as blank spaces, rather

than the number 0 in SMPTE time displays.


Choose one of the following settings in the Display Tempo as pop-up menu:

Beats Per Minute (BPM, Maelzel): Beats per minute, to four individually adjustable decimal places.

BPM without Decimals: Beats per minute, with no decimal places.

Frames Per Click with Eights: Frames per beat with eighths. After the value, you will see fpc.

Frames Per Click with Decimals: Frames per beat, to four decimal places. Take care, as this display
can easily be confused with the bpm display.


Choose a clock format from the Clock Format pop-up menu