Display preferences – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

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Chapter 25

Preferences, project settings, and key commands


Display preferences

General Display preferences

General Display preferences are only available when Show Advanced Tools is selected in

Advanced preferences.

“Large local window menus” checkbox: When selected, local menu items are displayed in a
larger font.

“Large inspectors” checkbox: When selected, inspector settings are displayed in a larger font.

“Wide playhead” checkbox: When selected, a thicker playhead is used in all windows.

Show Help Tags checkbox: When selected, help tags appear throughout Logic Pro. When you
hold the pointer over interface elements and tools, a small pop-up description (or value) of the
item appears onscreen. When editing, the function name, region or event name or number,
position, and parameter values are shown.

“Show default values” checkbox: When selected, default values for parameters are displayed in
help tags. This makes it easier to determine the amount of variance from the default value.

“Show icons in New Tracks dialog” checkbox: When selected, an icon-style New Tracks dialog
is shown when you click the Add Tracks button . Otherwise, a text-style New Tracks dialog
is displayed.

“Display Middle C as” pop-up menu: This pop-up menu affects the description of notes in the
editors. The bottom C on a five-octave keyboard (note # 36) is labeled C1, and middle C (note
# 60) is labeled C3. According to this standard, the lowest MIDI note (note # 0) is called C–2.
This is the official standard used by most manufacturers. Use of the C3 (Yamaha) setting will
set Logic Pro to this standard mode. If you select the C4 (Roland) setting, the bottom C on a
five-octave keyboard is labeled C2, and middle C is labeled as C4. In this standard, the lowest
MIDI note is C–1.

“Display Time as” pop-up menu: Use to customize the Time display in the control bar.

“Display Tempo as” pop-up menu: Use to customize the Tempo display in the control bar.

Clock Format pop-up menu: Use to customize the Beats display in the control bar.