Mixer channel strips, Channel strip types, 485 mixer channel strips 485 – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

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Chapter 16

Mix a project


Mixer channel strips

Channel strip types

You use channel strips to process audio or MIDI information that is routed from tracks. The Mixer
shows all channel strips in your project, including track channel strips, auxiliary and output
channel strips, and the master channel strip.

You can filter channel strips by type when Show Advanced Tools is selected in the Advanced

preferences pane, displaying only those channel strips that you need for the task at hand.

Audio channel strips

Instrument channel strips

MIDI channel strip

Output channel strip

Aux channel strips

Aux channel strips

Master channel strip

Audio channel strips: Used to control the playback and recording of audio signals on audio
tracks. All data on the audio track is automatically routed to the audio channel strip assigned
in the track list.

Instrument channel strips: Used to control software instruments. Software instruments are
inserted via the channel strip’s Instrument slot. The instrument channel strip can then be
driven by a recorded MIDI region, or by playing your MIDI keyboard.

Aux (Auxiliary) channel strips: Used for a variety of signal-routing purposes. Aux channel strips
are used to set up send returns, where a channel strip signal is routed to an aux channel strip
for effects processing. They are also used for grouping and for distributing a signal to multiple
destinations via sends.

Output channel strips: Represent the physical audio outputs of your audio interface. They are
used to adjust the overall level and stereo balance—or pan position, in the case of mono
output channel strips—of all audio, instrument, or aux channel strips routed to them. The
number of available output channel strips is determined by the audio interface in use.

Master channel strip: Used as a global volume control for all output channel strips. The
master channel strip changes the gain of all output channel strips without affecting the level
relationships between them. This is helpful as a proportional output volume control and is
particularly useful in Logic Pro surround format where you can use it to create fades in the
complete surround mix.