Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 311

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Chapter 10

Create a song arrangement


Audio crossfades in Digital Mixdown
Digital Mixdown supports crossfades between selected regions.

The Crossfade parameters are defined by choosingLogic Pro > Preferences > Audio > General (or
using the Audio Crossfade Options for Merge key command).

There are two faders:

Crossfade Time [ms]: The length of the entire crossfade. To turn off the crossfade, set this value
to 0.

Crossfade Curve: To obtain a linear crossfade, set this value to 0. Other values (positive
or negative), produce various exponential fades. The fade-outs and fade-ins are always
symmetrical, to avoid deviations in level. The preset values are Time = 0 ms, Curve = 0 (linear).