Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
Page 334

Chapter 10
Create a song arrangement
Advanced Quantization: Q-Range: Q-Range is a very musical quantization method that requires
a certain amount of technical musical prowess. It’s ideal for recordings that already have the
right groove, but are too hurried or laid back in places. It allows you to retain the original feel,
but positions the rhythmic center precisely in the groove. A value of 0 means that every note
is quantized. If you enter negative Q-Range values, only notes that fall outside the set range
are moved to ideal quantization grid positions, while notes closer to an ideal position remain
unquantized. This moves the most poorly played notes (those outside the range) to perfect
timing positions on the quantization grid, or at least toward these positions, depending on the
Q-Strength setting.
MIDI region defaults
If no region is selected, the upper line of the Region inspector displays MIDI Thru. Any live MIDI
input (in stop mode, as well as during recording or playback) is played with the settings chosen
here. When you record a new MIDI region, the settings in the inspector are carried across to
the new region’s Region inspector. The MIDI Thru inspector can be viewed as an adjustable
default inspector.
The MIDI Thru parameters can be adjusted when no regions are selected. Click an empty part of
the Tracks area to deselect all regions.
Note: The Set Track and MIDI Thru Parameters by Region/Folder key command allows you to set
the MIDI Thru parameters to match those of a selected MIDI region. This action also selects the
region’s track.
Editing several regions simultaneously
If several regions are selected, the number of selected regions is displayed, in place of a region
name. If you alter any region parameter, all selected regions are affected. If a given parameter
is set differently in the individual regions, an asterisk (*) appears in the parameter field. You can
alter this parameter for all selected regions, and the value differential will be retained (relative
alteration). If you want to set all selected regions to the same value, hold down Option-Shift
while changing the value (absolute alteration).