Bounce tracks and regions in place, Bounce in place overview, Bounce a track in place – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
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Chapter 7
Work with tracks
Bounce tracks and regions in place
Bounce in place overview
When you bounce tracks or regions in place, the selected tracks or regions are bounced, and the
resulting audio files are placed at the same position as the originals in the Tracks area.
Using Bounce in Place, you can process audio, software instrument, or Drummer tracks, or the
regions on those tracks. The audio file format of the bounce (sample rate and resolution) is
determined by the audio recording project settings.
Bounce in Place might seem similar to the Freeze function, but there are several differences:
Both save CPU power by rendering all effects (or instrument) plug-ins of a track.
Freeze allows you to return to the original state of the tracks and their automation data, unlike
Bounce in Place.
Freeze (in 32 Bit Float) safeguards against volume clipping.
Bounce a track in place
You can render one or more selected audio, software instrument, or Drummer tracks (including
active plug-ins and automation on the tracks) to a new audio file.
Bounce one or more tracks in place
Select the track.
Choose File > Track in Place (or use the Bounce Track in Place key command).
In the Bounce Track In Place dialog, define the following parameters:
Name field: Enter a name for the bounce file in the field. The name defaults to the region name
of the first selected region, with the extension _bip added at the end.
Destination buttons: Define the track on which the bounce file is placed. You have two options:
New Track: Creates a new audio track below the selected track, and places the bounce file on
that track.
Replace Track: Replaces the existing track, and places the bounce file on it.
Include Instrument Multi-Outputs checkbox: Select to include aux channel strips with multi-
output signals of the instrument in the bounce process. Otherwise, only the channel strips of
tracks with selected regions are bounced.
As Additional Tracks checkbox: Select to create additional bounce files for every aux with any
multi-output of the selected multi-output software instrument as input source.