Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
Page 814

Chapter 23
Work in the Environment
Arpeggiator parameters
Arpeggiators have the following parameters:
Direction pop-up menu: Determines the direction of the arpeggiated chord. You can choose
between the following settings:
Up: Lowest note to highest note
Down: Highest note to lowest note
Up/Down: Up and down; highest and lowest notes repeat.
Auto: Up or down, depending on whether the second chord note arrived before, or after, the
first chord note.
Up/Down2: Up and down; highest and lowest notes don’t repeat.
Random: Notes play in random order.
All: All notes play at once (useful when Repeat is on).
Velocity field: Determines the velocity values of the arpeggiated notes. You can choose
between the following settings:
1 to 127: Fixed velocities
Original: The velocities of the recorded notes are retained.
Random: Random velocities between 1 and the original value
Key Limit field: Defines the pitch range for the chord arpeggiation. Any chord notes outside this
range are passed directly to the output. This is useful when you want to solo above, or play a
bass line below an arpeggiated chord.
Resolution pop-up menu: Sets the rhythmic note value (the speed in note divisions) of the
arpeggio. The None setting deactivates the arpeggiator.
Length pop-up menu: Defines the length of the arpeggiated notes. The Original setting retains
the length of incoming (or recorded) notes.
Snap to pop-up menu: Unless this value is set to None, the arpeggiator waits for Logic Pro
to reach the next indicated note division before starting the arpeggio. This is useful for
rhythmically synchronizing the arpeggio with other MIDI data.
Repeat checkbox: Selecting this option continues the arpeggio for as long as the chord is held
down. If the option is unselected, the arpeggio only plays through once.
Octaves field: The arpeggio can be repeated over 1 to 10 octaves.
Crescendo field: The velocity value set here is added every time the arpeggio is repeated (if the
Repeat parameter is on).