Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 385

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Chapter 14

Edit the timing and pitch of audio



Choose Flex Pitch or one of the Flex Time algorithms from the Flex pop-up menu.

Turn on flex in the Audio Track Editor


Open the Audio Track Editor by doing one of the following:

Select an audio track in the Tracks area, then choose View > Show Editors.

Select an audio track in the Tracks area, then click the Editors button

in the control bar.

Double-click an audio region.


Click the Flex button

in the Audio Track Editor menu bar (or press Command-F).

Note: Click the Audio Track Editor’s workspace before using the key command, to make sure that
the Audio Track Editor has key focus.

A Flex pop-up menu appears to the right of the Flex button in the Audio Track Editor menu bar.


Choose Flex Pitch or one of the Flex Time algorithms from the Flex pop-up menu.

Assign the same flex algorithm to all audio tracks


In the Tracks area or Audio Track Editor, hold down Shift while choosing a flex algorithm from the
Flex pop-up menu.