Exchange drums – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 382

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Chapter 13

Add a drummer to your project


Exchange drums

In Drum Kit Designer, you can produce different sounds by exchanging drums. For all kits, you
can exchange the kick and snare drums. When working with Producer Kits, you can additionally
exchange toms, cymbals, and hi-hat.

Note: Producer Kits and some drums are only available after you download additional content.

Exchange a drum


Click a drum.

The Exchange panel opens to the left if exchange pieces are available for that kit piece.


Click the Info button of a selected kit piece to view its description.


Click the kit piece that you want to exchange in the Exchange panel. You may need to scroll in

order to find the one you want to use.
The piece is exchanged and the respective drum sound is loaded.
Note: The toms and crash cymbals can only be exchanged as a group.


Click anywhere in the plug-in window background to close the panels.

Map Drum Kit Designer to external hardware controllers

Drum Kit Designer is compatible with the GM standard. You can also choose GM+, which
maps the keyboard ModWheel for Hi-Hat control. This means that you can use the
keyboard ModWheel to adjust the degree to which the Hi-Hat opens and closes during the
drum performance.

Drum Kit Designer is also compatible with the V-Drum standard.

Map to external hardware controllers


Click the disclosure triangle at the bottom-left corner of the plug-in window to show

additional settings.


Choose one of the following from the Input Mapping pop-up menu:


GM + ModWheel controls HiHat opening level


For details on how drum sounds are remapped when different modes are chosen, see the Logic
Pro Instruments manual