Bounce a region in place – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 193

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Chapter 7

Work with tracks


Bounce a region in place

You can render one or more selected regions on audio or software instrument tracks into a new
audio file, including all active plug-ins and automation data.

Bounce one or more regions in place


Select one or more regions on an audio or software instrument track.


Do one of the following:

Choose File > Bounce > Regions in Place (or use the corresponding key command).

Control-click the selected regions, then choose Bounce Regions in Place from the
shortcut menu.


In the Bounce Regions In Place dialog, define the following parameters:

Name field: Enter a name for the bounce file in the field. The name defaults to the region name
of the first selected region, with the extension _bip added at the end.

Destination buttons: Define the track on which the bounce file is placed. You have two options.

New Track: Creates a new audio track below the selected track, and places the bounce file on
that track.

Selected Track: Places the bounce file on the selected track.

Source buttons: Define what happens to the source regions after bouncing. You have three

Leave: Leaves the source region unaltered after processing the bounce file.

Mute: Mutes the source region after processing the bounce file.

Delete: Deletes the source region from the original track after processing the bounce file.

Include Instrument Multi-Outputs checkbox: Select to include aux channel strips with multi-
output signals of the instrument in the bounce process. Otherwise, only the channel strips of
tracks with selected regions are bounced.

Bypass Effect Plug-ins checkbox: Select to disable all plug-ins on the source track during the
bounce process.