S pane (see, Clefs & signatures settings – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
Page 904

Chapter 25
Preferences, project settings, and key commands
Clefs & Signatures settings
Clefs & Signatures settings are only available when Additional Score Options is selected in
Advanced preferences.
Clefs settings
Clefs pop-up menu: Choose between the following clef display parameters: Every Staff, First
Staff on Every Page, First Staff on Page 1, and Hide All.
“Display warnings at line breaks” checkbox: Causes warning clef changes to be displayed at the
end of a staff or staff system (if the actual change is at the beginning of the subsequent staff or
staff system).
Smaller Clef Changes pop-up menu: Clef changes (whether caused by a change of staff style, or
by a new clef inserted from the Part box) can be displayed at a smaller size than the clefs at
the beginning of staffs, depending on this setting.
Key and Time Signatures settings
Key Signatures pop-up menu: Choose between the following key signature display
parameters: Every Staff, First Staff on Every Page, First Staff on Page 1, and Hide All.
“Display warnings at line breaks” checkbox: Displays a warning if key signature changes occur
at the end of a staff or staff system (if the actual change is at the beginning of the subsequent
staff or staff system).
“Automatic key transposition” checkbox: Enables the automatic transposition of key signatures in
transposing staff styles. It is usually selected. An exception is for the notation of atonal music. If
unselected, all sharps and flats are displayed directly with the notes.
Note: There is a similar option in the Staff Style window (Key parameter), which allows
you to turn off the key signature for individual staff styles, or even for individual staffs in
multistaff styles.