Staff style window, W (see – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual
Page 686

Chapter 20
View and edit music notation
Staff Style window
You view and edit staff style parameters in the Staff Style window. The upper part of the window
shows a list of available staff styles, with a visual representation of the selected staff style. The
lower part shows the staffs that are used for the selected staff style, with parameters for each
staff. The voices used for each staff are listed to the right.
Menu bar
Style overview
Staff parameters
Voice parameters
Assign parameters
The main elements of the window include:
Menu bar: Contains the local New, Edit, and View menus, and the View buttons to hide or show
different parts of the Staff Style window.
Style overview: Shows a list of available staff styles with the type, number of voices, and other
parameters for each listed staff style, and a graphical representation of the selected style that
updates to reflect your edits to the style.
Staff parameters: Shows the parameters for each staff in the selected staff style. Parameters for
each staff are shown as one row.
Voice parameters: Shows the parameters for independent voices. Parameters for each voice are
shown as one row. Each voice can be displayed as a rhythmically independent, polyphonic
passage in the music. A voice can consist of as many simultaneous notes (chords) as needed.
Assign parameters: Shows the parameters for assigning notes to different voices. Every staff
can contain up to 16 independent voices, but each voice can be displayed on only one staff.
(Consequently, a staff style must contain at least as many voices as staffs.)
You can show the entire Staff Style window, or only part of the window, using the View buttons
on the right side of the menu bar.
Open the Staff Style window
Do one of the following:
Choose Layout > Staff Styles (or use the Show/Hide Staff Style Window key command).
Double-click a staff in the score.