Use tempo information from audio files, Record tempo changes in logic pro – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

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Chapter 19

Make global changes to a project


Use tempo information from audio files

When you record or bounce an audio file, the current Tempo List is added to the file. You can
then use the saved tempo information for importing or exporting purposes.

In some situations, you may want to import tempo information from an audio file that was
recorded in a different project. The tempo of the selected audio file is used in place of the project
tempo, but only within the borders (start and end points) of that file in the Tracks area.

For example, if you have an audio recording containing slight tempo variations, how do you
get it to follow the tempo of your current project? First, beat map the track to associate beats
in the region with the project tempo (see

Beat mapping overview

on page 601), then remove

the tempo information from the audio file. As a final step, export the current project tempo
information to the audio file.

Import tempo information from an audio file


Choose Edit > Tempo > Import Tempo Information from Audio File.

You can also export the current tempo value within the borders (start and end points) of a
selected audio file in the Tracks area. However, you should first remove any tempo information
that exists in the audio file.

Remove tempo information from an audio file


Choose Edit > Tempo > Remove Tempo Information from Audio File.

You can then export the current tempo information to the audio file.

Export tempo information to an audio file


Choose Edit > Tempo > Export Tempo Information to Audio File.

Record tempo changes in Logic Pro

All tempo changes made when Logic Pro is in record mode are stored as tempo change events
on the Tempo track. You can record tempo changes with an external MIDI controller, the
Environment tempo fader, or external synchronization signals. You can edit recorded tempo
change events in the Tempo track or using one of the tempo editors—Tempo List, Tempo
Operations window, Tempo Interpreter window, or tempo fader.

Turn on tempo change recording


Open the Recording project settings by doing one of the following:

Choose File > Project Settings > Recording, or use the Open Recording Project Settings key
command, Option-Asterisk (*).

Control-click the Record button

in the control bar, then choose Recording Settings from

the pop-up menu.


Select the “Allow tempo change recording” checkbox.