Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 740

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Chapter 22

Surround in Logic Pro X


Surround Panner parameters

The Surround Panner features a set of common parameters, regardless of the channel strip
input format.

Click the disclosure triangle at the lower-left corner of the Surround Panner window to display
the extended parameters.

Note: The extended parameters are not available in the Surround Balancer.

Surround field

Level controls

Extended parameters

Common Surround Panner parameters

Surround Field: The surround field consists of the following:

Two real-time display fields, for angle and diversity. You can directly interact with these fields
by dragging.

A circular grid, comprised of four concentric circles, divided into eight 45-degree segments.
The outer circle represents the minimum amount of diversity. The center circle represents
maximum diversity.

A further circle encloses the grid. This is the Diversity/Angle display. As the diversity/angle
changes, a portion of the diversity display is highlighted.

A square may be overlaid on the grid. This indicates the separation point between left and
right channels, and also front and rear (surround) channels. Drag the corners or edges of this
separation square or use the sliders in the lower section of the Surround Panner window to
change values.

A number of speaker icons surrounds the circular grid. Click the icons to turn the respective
channels on or off, thus changing the channel surround output format.

Drag the blue dot to control signal routing (surround position in relation) to the speaker
outputs. Movement of the blue dot is modified with these functions:

Hold Command to lock diversity.

Hold Command-Option to lock the angle.

Option-click the blue dot to reset angle and diversity.

Center Level slider: Drag the Center Level slider or field to set the volume relationship of the
(front) center channel—typically used for dialogue in film and TV productions.