Set project properties, Project properties overview, Set the project tempo – Apple Logic Pro X User Manual

Page 146: 146 set project properties 146, Project, Properties overview

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Chapter 6

Work with projects


Set project properties

Project properties overview

Each Logic Pro project has properties that include the project tempo, key and time signatures,
and more. You can set project properties when you create a project, and change them later while
you’re working. Some project properties, such as tempo and sample rate, should be set when
you create the project if possible, because they can affect recordings or media files you add to
the project, creating extra work.

Set the project tempo

You can set the basic project tempo in the LCD. The tempo is displayed in beats per minute
(bpm), ranging from 5 to 990 bpm. You can also tap the tempo using your computer keyboard.

When Show Advanced Tools is selected in the Advanced preferences pane, you can set the

project tempo in the Tempo track or Tempo List.

Set the basic project tempo
Do one of the following:


Click the icon on the left side of the LCD and choose Beats & Project, then do one of the following:

Click-hold the tempo value and drag up or down.

Double-click the tempo value, then enter a new value in the Tempo field.


In the Tempo List, do one of the following:

Click-hold the tempo value and drag up or down.

Double-click the tempo value, then enter a new value in the Tempo field.


Open the Tempo track, then drag the tempo line up or down with the Pointer tool.


Press Shift-T several times at the desired tempo.
The first time you tap the tempo, an alert appears, asking if you want to enable Tap Tempo.

For information about the Tempo List, see

Tempo List overview

. For information about the Tempo

track, see

Tempo track overview

on page 581.