HP Storage Essentials NAS Manager Software User Manual
Page 461
Storage Essentials 5.00.01 User Guide 431
- Lists the last 10 reports viewed. This option is not displayed when you first access
Troubleshooting Reporting
Reporting does not provide reports for NetApp filers.
Reports in general contain no data or incomplete/incorrect data while the report cache is being
refreshed. See ”
Some reports display data trends for several days in the future. For example, assume you run a
report to gather information from the last three days. The report may display data trends for the
next several days based on the current information. Please keep in mind the data trends are just
assumptions and should not be treated as fact.
The following IBM HBA appears as QLogic HBAs in the Navigation and Properties pages, in
addition to reports:
• FaStT FC-2/2-133
Certain reports display elements assigned to the user's organization, including child
organizations. For example, if you attempt to view an Assets by Department report and you do
not have permission to access hosts through your organization, you are not given information
about the hosts in the report. This is also true for e-mailing certain reports. Let's assume again
you do not have permission to access hosts. If you e-mail an Assets by Department report, your
e-mail will not contain information about hosts. If the users receiving your reports want to be able
to view information about hosts, one of the following must happen:
• The hosts in question must be added to your organization.
• Someone else, who has the hosts in question already in their organization, must send the
The same is true for organization filters. Let's assume you belong to two organizations:
OnlyHosts and OnlySwitches. If you set your organization filter to display only the elements in
OnlySwitches and not in OnlyHosts, your certain reports display only the elements in
OnlySwitches. If you send an Assets by Department report by e-mail, the information in the
report displays information about the elements that are currently allowed through the
organization filter. You can set the organization filter when you create an e-mail schedule. See
The following reports display all information regardless of a user's organizations:
• Event Reports
• Application Reports
• Hosts Reports*
• Storage System Reports*
• Switch Reports*
*Reports that display information for only one element, such as Asset Summary, Details, Events,
and Utilization reports.
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