IAI America MSEP User Manual
Page 185

About Gateway Parameter Setting
2) Setting Menu
Click on the “Setting” menu on the top left corner in the main window and the setting menu
list pops up.
• Specialty Parameter : Set the parameters related to the process of Gateway area in MSEP.
[Refer to 3.9.3 1), 2) and 3) GW Parameter */GW Mode Select.]
• Port Config
: Set the communication speed between the tool and PC and COM
port number.
• TimeSetting(T)
: Set the clock retained in MSEP.
[Refer to 3.9.3 4) Time Setting.]
• Unit No.(U)
: Set the unit number of MSEP and top axis number in that unit.
[Refer to 3.9.3 5) Unit No..]
• EherNet/IP Setting
: For EtherNet/IP type, this menu is displayed. Set IP address etc.
[Refer to 3.9.3 6) EherNet/IP Setting.]
3) Monitor Menu
Click on the “Monitor” menu on the top left corner in the main window and the monitor menu
list pops up.
(Note) “Monitor” cannot be selected before reading a parameter.
• I/O data
: Show the details of the host PLC and MSEP data.
[Refer to 3.9.3 6) I/O Data]
• Diagnostic Information : Show the number of ERRT and ERRC occurrence, emergency stops
and scan time.
[Refer to 3.9.3 7) Diagnostic Information]
• AlarmList(L)
: Read and show the alarm list retained in MSEP.
[Refer to 3.9.3 8) AlarmList(L)]